Low dose naltrexone
August 6, 2024

If you are unfamiliar with Low-Dose Naltrexone, or LDN, you are likely unaware of the many potential benefits that this drug can provide, especially for those who struggle with chronic pain. LDN is a safe, non-toxic, and inexpensive drug that can play a valuable role in treating certain health issues, such as chronic pain, immune issues, and more. Additionally, LDN is sometimes covered by insurance, which can make it an effective and affordable option for some patients. Let’s go ahead and learn a bit more about some of the types of uses for LDN to help you determine if it may be a good choice for you:

1. Pain Relief

woman with migraine

One of the most common uses for LDN is in managing chronic pain. LDN has shown particular promise in minimizing the pain associated with certain health conditions, such as chronic migraines, fibromyalgia, and more. By helping to reduce pro-inflammatory chemicals in the brain, LDN can help to decrease inflammation and sensitivity to pain, leading to greater patient comfort. LDN can also help to decrease inflammation in other parts of the body, including joints, which can make it easier to move without pain for those with arthritis. If you struggle with chronic pain, LDN may be able to help minimize your discomfort!

2. Helps to Treat Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Another of the uses for LDN is to help people with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis minimize the impact of this disease on their lives. In many cases, LDN can help to relieve certain symptoms associated with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, including fatigue, aches, and more. If you are looking for better strategies to manage your Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, taking advantage of our LDN treatments here at Keystone Compounding Pharmacy may be an ideal choice for you.

3. Better Sleep

woman sleeping

Another of the uses for LDN is improving sleep for those who struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep at night. By helping to regulate production of certain chemicals in the brain and promoting feelings of relaxation and calmness, LDN can result in improved sleep for some patients. Additionally, some patients on LDN report higher energy levels during the day as a result of their improved sleep at night.

4. Autoimmune Issues

Autoimmune issues result in your immune system attacking your own body, which leads to a great number of potential health complications. LDN can help to treat these issues by assisting with immune regulation, decreasing the amount of your own body’s cells that are harmed by the immune system. For patients struggling with the effects of autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and more, LDN may be an excellent treatment option.

Now that you know more about the various types of uses for LDN, you are one step closer to potentially utilizing this helpful treatment option for your own health and wellbeing. If you want to find out more about LDN, you can reach out to our team here at Keystone Compounding Pharmacy today to get all of your questions answered along with helpful advice from our expert providers. We look forward to hearing from you!